6 Fitness Ideas For The Whole Family

// // 6 Fitness Ideas For The Whole Family

Are you a parent? Then you probably seek out healthy activities that your children can enjoy with you! But those aren't always easy to come by, and we know that with everything else on your mind imagining new family-friendly activities weekly is easier said than done.

As usual, our Endurance Blog is here to help :)

Keep these following family fitness ideas in a safe place and pull out next time you want to involve the whole Brady Bunch in exercise that is sure to keep everyone happy, healthy, and united!


1. Biking


Kids not old enough to bike? Invest in a bicycle trailer or toddler carrier so that no one is left out! An easy way to feel the breeze and explore local neighborhood parks and points of interest along the way. Why not bike to brunch and then burn off the eggs and toast with a bike back home --the long way?


3. Tag, You're It!


You're likely not the only family you know who is interested in family fitness. Gather your neighborhood families for a game of tag at the local park or across the front lawns of your homes! (Live by the beach? Head down to the sand with picnic foods and make a day of it!)


4. Apple Picking


Or veggie picking, or strawberry picking...you get the idea. Research local farms or orchards and get out in the sun and stretch those arms while educating your children on the benefits of the fruits or veggies you're collecting. Bonus: The week's lunch and dinner menu just got easier by using all the fresh ingredients you just gathered! Wash them down with a cold INVIGORADE to refuel after a day out in the sun.


5. Create an Outdoor Obstacle Course


Obstacles could be anything! Cones, the sandbox, or even just physical activities like hopscotching to the next obstacle or a three legged race sprinkled in-between. Have each member of the family create an obstacle and before you know it, you've got yourself a course. We love this idea of tying ropes or string across tree trunks to create a unique obstacle! Thanks to the blog "Under The Sycamore" for sharing! 



6. Video Games


No, not the kind that involve sitting or starring blankly at the screen as you collect coins for Mario (or whatever it is the kids play these days ;) 

Play instead an interactive game like Kickboxing, Just Dance, or even bowling. These types of games are perfect for getting the heart rate up and even better for a rainy day or impromptu fitness hour after a family dinner.


What is your favorite exercise to do with your family?

We all have families of different sizes and ages, and we'd love to hear what has worked for yours. Share with us in the comments! From the INVIGORADE family to yours: #KeepItUp!






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