The Difference Between Stiff, Sore and Injured

// // The Difference Between Stiff, Sore and Injured

Can you tell the difference?

Just getting started in a new workout routine, whether it is hill sprints every other day, adding an extra 25 laps to your swim routine, or just going to the gym more often, means you need to be aware of a few different kinds of pain.

No pain no gain right? Well, sometimes.


During a workout, you should be able to comfortably complete most of your activities. With bursts of extreme difficulty. Your body should feel that typical ‘burn’, but in your muscles ONLY. That is your body producing lactic acid, it means your muscles have had enough! But of course, we always want to push them a little farther than last time. It’s a good idea to push the burning sensation just a little bit, too much can leave you extremely sore the next day and can prevent you from continuing your workout routine.

During these intense lactic acid creating moments, your heart is beating extra fast, you are probably starting to sweat a little, and all you can focus on is how much your muscles hurt!

We want to embrace this pain for a little while, BUT (and this is a big but), if you start to feel pain ANYWHERE other than your muscles (a twinge in your back, a sharp pain in your knee, some prickling in your shoulder) STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Those sharp pains are a sign from our bodies that we have officially worked too hard. Sometimes muscles are not strong enough to protect our joint or bones and the pain is the pressure becoming too much for our muscles to do their job properly.

This kind of pain can also be associated with poor quality items like shoes or just bad form. Either way, stop what you are doing, reassess your form, maybe get some new shoes, drink some INVIGORADE to boost your energy and try getting back into it safely.

If you can’t get back into your workout without feeling this pain, you should take a rest day come back to it later.

This is also a good time to assess the pain you feel after a workout. Soreness is typical and feels great when you stretch it out or get a massage. (Oh and drink some INVIGORADE for good luck)


Dull aching pain can be a sign that something isn’t right, as well as sharp stabbing pain that happens only when you do certain movements.

Definitely make sure to ice ice ice and to stretch stretch stretch! But if the pain persists, go see a sports medicine therapist!

Remember, we work out to be healthier, and we can’t be healthier if we are constantly injured!

#KeepItUp, athletes!


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